My name is K.J. Atwood, I am the media team member introduced with GLDev at the September 2nd Mission Charleston meeting. I’m the managing director of Maranatha Design, a marketing design firm that specializes in working with non-profits operating on both local and global scales, such as GLDev. 

 Our best strategies in making a difference internationally depend on individuals taking ownership of action steps on local levels. As we face the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, and seek to help our brothers and sisters in the region facing catastrophe, I wanted to encourage you all with 4 key action steps that can help leave large impacts on the work happening among Afghans:

 1.     Schedule speakers and events

GLDev leaders  are ready to engage your communities directly to share stories of current events and ministry efforts happening in Afghanistan. Having guests who are subject experts can leave lasting, transformative impact on listeners. We want to ensure that local groups are empowered to take creative approaches to raising awareness and fundraising to support Afghan families, and GLDev is happy to collaborate with volunteers who want to engage these issues. 

 2.     Engage on social media

We are happy to provide custom, GLDev branded graphics for individuals in your organization to share on social media, email, or copy, to push any events, fundraisers, or other events when relevant. Social media posts are simple, but effective ways that individuals in your community can reach large groups of people interested in helping Afghans - when community members share non-profit’s posts on social platforms, it encourages focus on aiding Afghanistan. 

 3.     Keep the conversation going 

We spoke long-term and short term strategy in our meeting yesterday. Both are important. Unfortunately, as Afghanistan moves away from the forefront of American media, Afghans will fade back from most Americans minds, though millions of Afghans will remain in crisis. In a few months, make sure your organization is still engaging with these issues through a variety of mediums. This can include hosting prayer groups, signing up for GLDev newsletters, sharing web or social media posts, hosting events, or simply bringing up current events in day-to-day conversations with others.

 4.     Volunteer long-term 

Organizations such as GLDev and Lutheran Refugee Services are wonderful organizations to plug-in with over the next several years as refugees re-settle into the Carolinas. Whether you’re volunteering through an organization, or just being a loving neighbor to refugees in your community, we encourage genuine and intimate friendship with immigrant populations. 

No one is better positioned to leave an impact on your community, and your church, than you and others in your respective community. We hope these 4 key action steps help provide a framework for you and your church to aid and engage the Afghan people for the months and years to come.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions.

Live well,

K.J. Atwood

Maranatha Design | Managing Director, Founder
Columbia, SC | +1 (803) 807-7635 |