Mission Charleston was honored to be in partnership with Arbella Studios in bringing this premiere to Charleston on June 15th, 2019. Our prayer is that this event has served as a gift to the families and those who have played a role in caring for them in this tragedy. We give thanks for the national premiere of this film and pray that the gospel message of forgiveness and hope will be seen and understood.

emanuel gaillard center.jpg

Special thanks to those who partnered with us through funding, gifts of goods and services, prayer, and time to make this event possible.

Premiere Team

Arbella Studios - Jen Alt - Producer & Mike Wildt - Producer
Arbella Studios - Dimas Salaberrios - Producer
Premiere Leadership - Craig Tuck (Director) ctuck@missionchs.org & Leila Carlson (Coordinator) admin@missionchs.org
Emanuel AME Church - Pastor Eric Manning & Mrs. Blondell Gadsden
City of Charleston - Mike Whack - Special Assistant for Quality of Life and Community Outreach
City of Charleston - Rick Jerue - Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Charleston
City of Charleston - Lt. Heath King - Security
Hospitality & Greeting - Clay Jernigan, Team Lead claysjourney@gmail.com & Todd Kozey - Greeting
Reception - Tarah Browning, Team Lead - tarahsjourney@gmail.com
1Charleston - Philip Pickney - www.1charleston.org
Prayer Team - Dallas & Janie Wilson , Jean Hamilton, Jon Lowder (worship)
Security - Director, Bill Gadol - wgadol@gmail.com
Seacoast Church Security Team
Parking Shuttle - Steve Tuck - Stevet@eastcooperbaptist.com

Stewards - Neal & Joy McGlohon - Glenda Owens - Jenni Eleazar - Ronnie & Connie Harbert - Calvin & Janie Malone


Cross/Dove Centerpiece - David Floyd & Nate Veal

Musical Artists
Soloist: Sydney Janelle Laribo
Pianist: Marlon Brown

Jazz Band: Charles Miller - MD/Keyboardist
Bobby Simmons- Lead Guitarist
Kenny Shider - Bass Guitarist
Josh Walker - Percussionist

Painting Artist : Scott Stanton
Cross Artist - Anthony “Big G” Gadsden (hand-crafted crosses)

Melissa Griffin - info@melissagriffinphotography.com
Aly McCroskey - aly@wildcottonphotography.com
Janine Mikell - janine.mikell@gmail.com
Christine Martinez - chrisdebmar@gmail.com
Susan Lloyd - susanlloydphotography.com

Floral Artists
Mark Creech and Sheri Smith

Design / Signage Artists
Kenny & Rebecca Gibson - Broadleaf Company - http://www.broadleafcompany.com kgibson@broadleafcompany.com

Gaillard Staff & Partnership
We are very thankful for the financial assistance provided by the Gaillard Center in helping to make this event possible.

Threse Spaseff - Entertainment Programming Manager - tspaseff@gaillardcenter.org
Kiana Kim - Director of Production
Jesse Jones - Exhibition Hall Manager
Nicole Garrand - Director of Catering
Paul Cawood - Director of Ticketing
and many other Gaillard staff members who were kind and gracious during the entire process of this event.

Recepton Partners - we thank you for you gracious gifts

South Carolina Bapitst Convention - provision of Portraits and Frames in photo gallery
Trader Joe’s - provision of all flowers for the Welcome Reception
Site One - provision of all greenery for the Portrait Gallery area
Loluma - partnering in the Photo Gallery area

Church Partners

Ashley River Baptist Church - www.ashleyriverchurch.org - info@ashleyriverchurch.org
Charleston Baptist Association - www.charlestonbaptist.net info@charlestonbaptist.net
South Carolina Bapitst Convention - www.scbaptist.org - info@scbaptist.org
Saint Andrews Church - www.standrews.church - www.standrews.church/contact-us/
Anglican Diocese - www.adoc.church - mdonaldson@adoc.church
First Baptist Church of Charleston - www.fbcharleston.org
Citadel Square Baptist Church - www.citadelsquare.com - info@citadelsquare.com
Daniel Island Fellowship - www.danielislandfellowship.org - info@danielislandfellowship.org
East Cooper Baptist Church - www.eastcooperbaptist.com - info@eastcooperbaptist.com
James Island Baptist Church - www.jibcfamily.com - jibc@knology.net
Journey Church - www.journeychurchsc.org - info@journeyteam.org
King’s Cross Church - www.kingscross.org - info@kingscross.org
Mission Collective - http://www.missioncollective.org/
New LIfe Christian Fellowship - www.newlifegcsc.org - www.newlifegcsc.org/contact-us
Radiant Church - www.radiantcharleston.com - connect@radiantcharleston.com
Risen Hope Church - https://risenhope.church/
Seacoast Church - www.seacoast.org - info@seacoast.org
Saint Clare of Assisi - www.clare.church - info@clare.church
Saint John’s Chapel - www.dioceseofsc.org/find-churches/listing/charleston-st-johns-chapel - stjohnschapel878@gmail.com
Saint Mary of the Annunciation - www.sma.church - info@sma.church
Saint Matthews Lutheran Church - www.smlccharleston.org - frontdesk@smlccharleston.org
Saint Peters Church - www.saintpeters.me - info@saintpeters.me
Sullivan’s Island Baptist Church - www.sullivansislandbaptistchurch.com - info@sullivansislandbaptistchurch.com
The Net International Church - www.thenetintl.com - info@thenetintl.com
The Church at LifePark  - www.churchatlifepark.org - info@lifeparkmp.org
Unity of Charleston - http://www.unitychs.org/

Glenda Owens
Britt and Maegen Stokes
Mike Whack


Pray for Charleston…

Engage prayer leaders & ministries of churches to ask the Holy Spirit to bring about an Awakening of Grace through forgiveness in Jesus Christ & saturation of the Gospel for every man, woman & child